What is a Children’s University?

Children's Universities are conquering the world!

As a children’s university fan, you are in good company… because children’s universities are not only available in Austria, but also in 32 other countries! From Kazakhstan to Colombia, children at universities research, ask questions and are amazingly curious. With the eucu.net network we are celebrating the International Day of Children’s Universities (also called IDCU) on April 11th. The only questions that remain: What is the children’s university anyway, what is its superpower? Let’s take a look behind the scenes together.

And don’t forget: The Vienna Children’s University will take place this year from 8th to 20th of July and is awaiting you with an exciting program!

  • Childrens University is international!

    Would you like to find out more about the Children’s University and what makes it so unique worldwide? – Then take a look here!

  • Befragungsstation: Illustration Mädchen jongliert mit Fragezeichen

    Interview Station

    What do you think? There is space for your opinion and your experiences here!

  • Steckbrief: Wissenschafter*in

    Kinderbüro der Universität Wien
    Vermittlungsprojekte rund um Wissenschaft, Medien, Klima, Wirtschaft und Demokratie, Betreuungsangebote für Kinder, Kinderuni-Aktivitäten ... und vieles mehr!
    Wir arbeiten für und mit Kindern, Jugendlichen, Familien und pädagogischen Einrichtungen.
    © Kinderbüro der Universität Wien
    Logo Kinderbüro Universität Wien